Saturday, November 17, 2018


Right, let's review this work coming straight from Manchester, New Hampshire, US.
I admit I've never heard these lads before, so let's have a look!

1.- Yellow Stitches
Blimey! The start is exactly identical to Chaos (4 Skins)...a tribute, maybe? Then changed to a decent powerful punk-rock song. You can tell this band is from US. The musicians sound skill-full and the singer surely drinks a bottle of bleach every morning. Skinhead, Working Class, Boots and Braces.... Not a single non-sense guitar's riff and straight to the point. Brillian start. ⭐⭐⭐

2.- Queen City Eve
Moving to more rock'n'rollish style but good quick tempo and kind of a party song. You can tell they love this theme as they recorded the video below. Love the axe throwing!. Special mention to the drums-bass connection who do it brilliant. ⭐⭐⭐

3.- Manchester Party
Mr. Bass keeps on shining with good lines on this third song, but regretfully I found the track a bit boring. Sounds like the early days of Greenday and their plastic punk. 

4.- Broken Bottles
Again, more punk-rock good enough to pass the time, but with nothing special to mention. ⭐⭐

5.- Wrong Place, Wrong Time
That's more like it. Back to more aggressive attitude. The verse is simple but effective as a punch in the nose. Reminded me of Blood for Blood for a second. Too many uoh oh at the end, but good. ⭐⭐⭐

6.- Tale of a Fat Fucking Retard
Bad. Starts with a quite annoying riff followed but quite a simplistic rock'n'roll song. Improves at the end, but nothing more than an easy-to-forget song ⭐⭐

7.- Our City
Maybe is me, but talking about summertime in the city doesn't seem a very interesting subject for a skinhead song. LoL. Anyway, I found similarities with Stars and Stripes here. Catchy. ⭐⭐

8.- Chopping Mall
More uoh oh ad nauseam. Total Humdrum! The worst so far.  

9.- No Face, No Case
Much better, despite the neverending uoh oh section of the song. The changes and rhythms are catchy and the "no face no case" now and then works very well. ⭐⭐⭐ 

10.- F.F.B
...Haven't we heard this one already? Copy-paste exercise with same structure as all the others. How these guys know which song are they playing after some drinks? A mistery! 

11.- Vacation
So tedious could kill a boot-boy of boredom. Another teenager monotonous song 

12.- Home
Not the best guitar riff to start and one of the chords sounds odd, but at least the verse is catchy and gives the album a decent ending ⭐⭐⭐

13 and so on: acoustic versions of previous tracks, not even bother to play them. Non-Sense!

Summary: Well played buy a bit tedious album from there lads, with each song being extremely similar to the previous one. 
You'd like it if...: You like Stars and Stripes
The best: Drums and Bass
The Worst: The uoh oh abuse is quite anal.

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