Friday, August 24, 2018

HAMMER AND THE NAILS - Hammer and the nails (2018)

Oi! So my friends from Boira Skins recently took this band to their city and asked me to write a review of their latest work.

This time the Bostonians released a 4 theme EP with a fantastic cover as you can appreciate above. 

1.- Icepicks Coda
I may be wrong, but the first thought that crossed my mind after a few seconds of listening to the first song, is that these lads have their own studio where they record their songs. Shame because it sounds a bit amateur specially in terms of volume and strength. This first track is part of a song of their 2012 work. Not sure what is it doing here... so let's skip to the second track

2.- Controlled Rebellion
Japanese Samurai skins alike, the band sounds quite disciplined and the main vocal is truly brutal. Shame that, as mentioned, the recording fades part of their energy away. The song is quite long and misses just a bit of speed. Just a bit. ⭐⭐

3.- Hook, Line and Sinker
This one is even tougher. The guitars sound like the boots of a million skinheads marching to conquer the world! Love it!!! I guess that the hammer and the nails spend lots of time in the rehearsal room and totally pays off. ⭐⭐⭐⭐

4.- Ought
I've listened this one four or five times and there is something that fails somewhere... not sure what it is...but the song becomes repetitive. I think is missing a good singable verse. ⭐⭐

Shame is already over! My advise for Mr. Hammer would be to get out of their basement and record their next work in a proper studio with a professional technician able to blow up our ears! Banzai!

The Best: The Drums
The Worse: The studio

Followers: 377 (August 2018)

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