Sunday, August 19, 2018


Not sure how I got here, but I'm glad I did!

3 theme album of this band from Paris, which seems to be their only record. All songs are in French and... with a Saxophone.  Now, I don't know what do you think about it as I have myself mixed feelings. I hated it in Stage Bottels, but here I kind of like it!

1.- Catacombes
This one really got me straight away. It really pays tribute to the old French bands from the 80s. Strong and catchy if you don't mind the saxo, which I don't. Powerful back vocals and catchy round of chords. Love it. ⭐⭐⭐⭐

2.- Mains dans les poches
Perfect complement of the previous song, with the same combination of saxo and rhythmic guitars. Solid, firm bass and aggressive vocals. The verse is a bit more melodic without falling into pop beats. What a little treasure. ⭐⭐⭐⭐

3.- A la roquette
The poorer brother of these three songs. Have no idea what the lyrics talk about but the song misses the fresh sounds of the other two and gets a bit too repetitive. ⭐⭐

In summary, a very nice surprise that makes my monthly payment to Spotify worth! 

The Best: Whoever writes the songs
The Worse: Only 3 songs 

Followers: 304 (August 2018)

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