Thursday, August 16, 2018


My dear Spotify suggests that I'd like this band founded in 2010, in San Francisco. Not sure why there is no biography yet on Spotify, but some of you will know that the man behind this band is Lars Frederiksen, the same chap who played at Rancid and LF & the Bastards. He has produced many other bands as well, so, he knows his shit. 

Let's see how it sounds

1.- Langskib
Just an Intro. Impossible not to think about the Dropkick Murphys, one of the band Lars has produced

2.- This Means War
Oh, man. This is just a great song. Lyrics, riffs, rhythm... and I love the 1 second micro-pauses now and then. So excellent! ⭐⭐⭐⭐

3.- Perry Boys
And this, lads, is what we call a Skinhead Anthem. This song will stay in your brain and blood forever. Perry Boys, here we stand or here we fall. I'm not going to give the full 5 stars because I'm not convinced about the keyboards at the end and the tempo seems to need a bit more speed. But maybe it's me being a pr*ck. 

4.- Election Day
Excellent punk-rock theme. A Lars special. Again everything stacks up. Perfect riff and brilliant main vocal. Catchy verse as well. I'm enjoying so much so far! 

5.- Off with Their Heads
Not sure so sure about this one. At the start sounds more like a heavy band from the 80s, more punk rock later, but a bit too slow. Nothing wrong with it, but nothing special either 

6.- Never Say Die
The football one. Very catchy verse and melodic riff. It is almost like if it was meant to be the soundtrack of a movie or a hooligan documentary. 

7.- Eternal City
And this is the ballade one. Time to go to the bar! 

8.- Needle on the Record
....rockabilly theme and lyrics... even with a piano on it! Rockers and rednecks may like it but this ain't for skinheads!! 

9.- Apocalypse Redux
Thanks God, back with the good punk-rock stuff. Screaming guitars and impacting bass-line. Gonna buy a T-shirt of this chaps. 

10.- Dear Leader
And even better. Violence! Finally! Dear leader is a bit darker, more aggro violent theme and I like it. Brilliant main and back vocals. 

11.- On Wolves of War
Master piece of how to combine tempo, structure and lyrics. Nothing else to add. 

12.- Victory
Slow one ideal to finish the concert when the lights go on. Doesn't achieve the legend level of Perry boys, though as the final part is just too commercial 

13.- Watford Tuxedo
Bizarre final track that doesn't make any sense. 

In Summary, a great album of very experienced musicians. Sounds very American, as well and doesn't achieve the level of Brutal Oi! we can find in some European or Japanese bands, but hey, it is absolutely brilliant.

The Best: The Band
The Worse: The bloody piano

baddies in the hood

Followers: 8,109 (July 2018)

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