Thursday, August 16, 2018


Once reviewed The Old Firm Casuals, Spotify suggests I should hear another American band, The Traditionals. And yet, another artist who does not have images or a bio... Spotify, fix this!

1.- Get What You Deserve
A fast punk track showing good intentions and good musical skills but nothing special otherwise. ⭐⭐

2.- Not Another War
Much better second track with a good structure and catchy verse. The singer didn't convince me on the former song but does much better on this. Great finale. ⭐⭐⭐⭐

3.- Run this Place
Back to more fast punk rhythm and showing good skills again - the bass and the drums play well together- but misses a good verse ⭐⭐

4.- United
And gentlemen, this is a working class anthem. I can't help thinking that the singer should be more aggressive. He sounds like trying to be loud without being loud. BUT, this is a 5 star song. ⭐⭐⭐⭐

5.- Liberty
He sings bad on this one and ruins it despite the good guitar efforts with nice riffs. The final part is pretty dull. 

6.- Dog House
A piano? Really? A f*cking piano?? 

7.- Drunken Hooligan
Fast punk rock with good intentions and I guess a nice pogo if you see them live, but not the best verse and ends up being to repetitive 

8.- Cut you Down
Are they good musicians? yes. Do they play well? Yes. But still miss finding a nice round of chords. Love the guitars talking to each other in 1.25 but then the final part is too long 

9.- Daily Struggle
Another punk - pogo track with good back vocals and good riffs. Not my type though. 

10.- Outside Looking In
Another punk - pogo track with good back vocals and good riffs. Not my type though. ⭐⭐

11.- Media Overload
Was going to paste the same for third time, but this one is bad. Pretty bad song. 

12.- Until They Board the Doors
Finally a break with a good intro and calmer pace. Would be a great punk-rock track if the singer could sing, but he struggles with the high tones 

13.- Allentown
A bit of rock and roll to finish the album with the typical laughs at the end 

In summary, great musicians and very well played music but need more time writing the songs to find the best round of chords as a few tracks are very, very similar... and do not bring that piano again!

Followers 884 (July 2018)

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