Thursday, August 16, 2018


Ok, let's get started with this band that according to Spotify is from the Isle of Wright. Their music is described as a classic punk sound... let's see how they sound!

1 Devil's Dancen Hours
Promising intro that less than 1m. Promising expectations

2 Pubwatch
Good solid punk sound indeed... until you hear the lead voice... sounds a bit forced to me! Takes some seconds to get used to it but this is indeed a nice good track. ⭐⭐⭐

3 Groundhog Day
And this one starts even better. The Chorus and initial riff are very catchy so now that I'm used to the vocals I'm quite enjoying this one... until it comes the change to the second part which is weird and regretfully the song gets lost with a terrible final part. ⭐⭐⭐

4 Hearts of Gold 
Good intro from Sid at the bass guitar which gets quickly diluted in a simply bad song. 

5 Mr Industry
Another song that starts with a bass riff (My bet is that Sid is writing the songs) but this time the riff is quite - very annoying. The chorus is catchy but doesn't save it. ⭐⭐

6 Money in the Game 
More punk orientated song but probably the worst one so far. Never takes off. 

7 Turning the Tide
Again a very annoying riff!! The tempo then goes into a pogo-time and the chorus is truly quite good, but just that riff is really super annoying and keeps coming! Why?! Argh! 

8 Falling Bridges
Aha! That's it! Punk-Rock fresh and different! Even the vocals sound more solid and finally here we have a good catchy reef. The Chorus is great. Sublime track, probably the best one of the album 

9 Medina Snake
Good intro (maybe too long) and powerful beat and back vocals, but the chorus is ... bad and then all gets boring 

10 Procastrinator
As other tracks, the intro is quite interesting, but leads to nowhere and the pro-cas-tri-nator chorus is really, really annoying, lads. 

11 The life and Tales (Of Danny Ghoul)
Not sure who is Danny Ghoul, but I'm sure the lad didn't deserve this! Awful!

In Summary, a young bad with good intentions and good instrumental skills but that fail to take their ideas to the next level due to confusing changes and lack of catchy parts. 

The Worse: The singer
The Best: The rest

Followers 1,559 (July 2018)

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