Thursday, August 16, 2018


After hearing GRADE 2, Spotify recommends me have a look at this band of London, so let's see how this 13 track long album sounds

1.- Sammy Skyves
Well, I have no idea who is Sammy but love this song. You can immediately recognise the London flair, the lads in steel cap boots and the skinhead aggro. Main vocal nails it. Truly skinhead rock'n'roll. ⭐⭐⭐⭐  video

2.- Media Blockout
A bit more (too much?) Rock'n'Rollish rhythm. I have mixed feelings about the choir... not sure if it is boring or if I really like the twist of the final chords.. anyhow, the singer nails it again. ⭐⭐⭐

3.- What are you going to do?
Here they move to more deep-punk sounds, but the combination of chords end up sounding like a Spanish pasodoble. Doesn't really work. Sorry lads, gonna skip this one! 

4.- Hated but Rated
The intro is a blues riff with an increscendo tempo leading to another skinhead r'n'r theme. Nothing special about it. ⭐⭐

5.- 22
Yes, but now I've guessed these lads are really into rock'n'roll. The problem is that the songs are very similar one to the other because the combination of chords are indeed very similar. On this one, on top, the chorus is quite simple.  ⭐⭐

6.- Brotherhood of the Banned
Harder punk sound ideal for a bit of pogo, but the verse kills it. Nevertheless, great job from the main vocal. ⭐⭐

7.- Thames Sake
Slow kind of skinhead ballad. Sounds really British but I bet you they don't hit this one on the rehearsal day too often. Too long. Time to go for a beer. 

8.- Breakout
Starts with a never-ending intro but continues nicely with a catchy structure and (finally) an original and different verse. 

9.- Disco Nightmare
A second pogo theme against disco skins... I guess it may work life and after some pints, but on Spotify sounds quite simple. 

10.- Attack
A summary of what I've been hearing so far. Good and catchy skinhead rock'n'roll with a very characteristic guitar sound and a great singer. Good stuff. 

11.- Park Lane Boys
Weird dark rarity. Sinks despite the lads singing the back vocals. 

12.- The Province
Welcome to Ulster. Is not excellent but is catchy and love the second part when the singer gives us a different tone. They should have repeated that part at the end again. 

13.- Shapes of the Day
An to end the album, anooooother never-ending intro.... guys! Too long! The slow tempo doesn't help either on this occasion. 

In summary, very interesting band with the best promo picture ever. The album is in my opinion too long as a few songs are very similar. I would suggest to put some time in the studio and copy here, paste there to achieve better songs. But worth following.

Followers 948 (July 2018)

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